How to Download the Latest Artifact from Artifactory Repository in YAML?
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How to Download the Latest Artifact from Artifactory Repository in YAML?

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on downloading the latest artifact from an Artifactory repository using YAML. As a developer or DevOps engineer, you know how crucial it is to have the latest artifacts in your pipeline. Artifactory, a popular repository manager, provides an efficient way to store and manage your artifacts. But, have you ever struggled to download the latest artifact from Artifactory using YAML? Worry no more! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step process to download the latest artifact from an Artifactory repository using YAML.

What is Artifactory?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s briefly discuss what Artifactory is. Artifactory is a repository manager that allows you to store, manage, and proxy artifacts. It supports a wide range of package formats, including Docker, npm, Maven, and more. With Artifactory, you can efficiently manage your artifacts, reduce network traffic, and improve your development pipeline.

What is YAML?

YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a human-readable serialization format commonly used in configuration files, data exchange, and pipeline scripts. In the context of Artifactory, YAML is used to define the download process for artifacts.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • An Artifactory instance with the necessary credentials (username and password or API key)
  • A YAML file editor or a pipeline script that supports YAML (e.g., Jenkinsfile, CircleCI, or GitHub Actions)
  • Basic knowledge of YAML syntax and Artifactory concepts

Step 1: Define the Artifactory Credentials

In your YAML file, define the Artifactory credentials using the following format:

    username: "your-username"
    password: "your-password"
  url: ""

Replace “your-username”, “your-password”, and “” with your actual Artifactory credentials and URL.

Step 2: Define the Artifact Repository and Coordinates

In the same YAML file, define the artifact repository and coordinates:

    id: "my-repo"
    type: "generic"
    group: "com.example"
    artifact: "my-artifact"
    version: "latest"

Replace “my-repo”, “generic”, “com.example”, “my-artifact”, and “latest” with your actual repository ID, type, group ID, artifact ID, and version, respectively.

Step 3: Define the Download Request

Define the download request using the following format:

    - url: "{artifactory.url}/api/storage/{}/{}/{coordinates.artifact}/{coordinates.version}/{coordinates.artifact}-{coordinates.version}.jar"
      destination: "path/to/download/folder"

Replace “{artifactory.url}”, “{}”, “{}”, “{coordinates.artifact}”, and “{coordinates.version}” with the actual values defined in the previous steps. The “destination” specifies the folder where the artifact will be downloaded.

Step 4: Run the YAML Script

Save the YAML file and run the script using your preferred pipeline tool or editor. The script will authenticate with Artifactory, download the latest artifact, and save it to the specified destination folder.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues during the download process, check the following:

  • Verify your Artifactory credentials and URL
  • Ensure the repository and coordinates are correct
  • Check the download URL and destination folder
  • Verify the artifact exists in the specified repository and version

Common Errors and Solutions

Here are some common errors and their solutions:

Error Solution
Authentication failed Check your Artifactory credentials and URL
Repository not found Verify the repository ID and type
Artifact not found Check the artifact ID, group ID, and version
Download failed Verify the download URL and destination folder


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the steps to download the latest artifact from an Artifactory repository using YAML. By following these instructions, you can efficiently manage your artifacts and streamline your development pipeline. Remember to troubleshoot any issues that may arise and adjust your YAML script accordingly.

Happy downloading!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about Artifactory, YAML, or pipeline management, check out these resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of Artifactory repository! Here are the top 5 questions and answers on how to download the latest artifact from Artifactory repository in YAML.

What is the basic YAML syntax to download an artifact from Artifactory?

To download an artifact from Artifactory using YAML, you can use the following basic syntax:
– name: my-artifact
type: artifact
url: ‘’
repo: ‘my-repo’
artifact: ‘my-artifact.jar’
This syntax specifies the resource name, type, and source details, including the Artifactory URL, repository, and artifact name.

How do I specify the username and password for authentication in YAML?

To authenticate with Artifactory, you can add the `username` and `password` fields to the `source` section of your YAML file, like this:
– name: my-artifact
type: artifact
url: ‘’
repo: ‘my-repo’
artifact: ‘my-artifact.jar’
username: ‘my-username’
password: ‘my-password’
Make sure to replace `my-username` and `my-password` with your actual Artifactory credentials!

How can I download the latest version of an artifact from Artifactory?

To download the latest version of an artifact, you can use the `latest` keyword in the `artifact` field, like this:
– name: my-artifact
type: artifact
url: ‘’
repo: ‘my-repo’
artifact: ‘my-artifact:latest’
This will download the latest version of the `my-artifact` artifact from the `my-repo` repository.

Can I use environment variables in my YAML file to configure Artifactory settings?

Yes, you can use environment variables in your YAML file to configure Artifactory settings. For example, you can use the `${VAR_NAME}` syntax to reference an environment variable, like this:
– name: my-artifact
type: artifact
artifact: ‘my-artifact.jar’
This way, you can externalize your Artifactory settings and easily switch between different environments.

How do I handle errors and failures when downloading artifacts from Artifactory?

When downloading artifacts from Artifactory, you can use the `retry` and `timeout` fields to handle errors and failures. For example:
– name: my-artifact
type: artifact
url: ‘’
repo: ‘my-repo’
artifact: ‘my-artifact.jar’
retry: 3
timeout: 30s
This configuration will retry the download up to 3 times with a timeout of 30 seconds between retries.