Docker Container Restart Trigger in Zabbix: A Comprehensive Guide
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Docker Container Restart Trigger in Zabbix: A Comprehensive Guide

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Zabbix is an incredible monitoring tool that helps you keep a pulse on your infrastructure’s performance. But, have you ever wondered how to set up a Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to configure a Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix, ensuring your containers are always up and running.

Why Do You Need a Docker Container Restart Trigger?

Imagine a scenario where your Docker container suddenly crashes or exits unexpectedly. Your application is now down, and your users are left frustrated. This is where a Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix comes to the rescue. By configuring a trigger, you can automatically restart your Docker container in case of a failure, minimizing downtime and ensuring high availability.


Before we dive into the setup process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Zabbix Server 4.2 or later
  • Zabbix Agent installed on the Docker host
  • Docker installed on the host machine
  • A running Docker container (we’ll use nginx as an example)

Step 1: Configure Zabbix Agent

Let’s start by configuring the Zabbix Agent to monitor the Docker container. Edit the Zabbix Agent configuration file (usually located at /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf) and add the following lines:


Replace IP_OF_ZABBIX_SERVER with the IP address of your Zabbix Server, and DOCKER_HOST_NAME with the hostname of your Docker host.

Step 2: Create a Zabbix Item

In Zabbix, navigate to Configuration > Hosts > Items and click on Create item. Fill in the details as follows:

Parameter Value
Name Docker container status
Type Zabbix agent
Key docker.container.status[nginx]
Update interval 30s

In the Key field, replace nginx with the name of your Docker container.

Step 3: Create a Zabbix Trigger

Now, let’s create a trigger that will restart the Docker container when it’s down. Navigate to Configuration > Hosts > Triggers and click on Create trigger. Fill in the details as follows:

Parameter Value
Name Docker container restart trigger
Severity High
Expression {DOCKER_HOST_NAME:docker.container.status[nginx].last()}=0
Recovery expression {DOCKER_HOST_NAME:docker.container.status[nginx].last()}=1
Recovery mode Single recovery

In the Expression and Recovery expression fields, replace DOCKER_HOST_NAME with the hostname of your Docker host, and nginx with the name of your Docker container.

Step 4: Configure the Action

Now, we need to configure an action that will restart the Docker container when the trigger is activated. Navigate to Configuration > Actions and click on Create action. Fill in the details as follows:

Parameter Value
Name Restart Docker container
Conditions Trigger value = PROBLEM
Operations Remote command
Command docker restart nginx

In the Command field, replace nginx with the name of your Docker container.

Putting it all Together

Now that we’ve configured our Zabbix Agent, item, trigger, and action, it’s time to test our setup. Restart your Docker container, and Zabbix should automatically detect the container’s status. If the container is down, the trigger will activate, and the action will restart the container.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues with your setup, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Verify that the Zabbix Agent is configured correctly and can communicate with the Zabbix Server.
  • Check the Docker container’s logs to ensure it’s not crashing or exiting unexpectedly.
  • Verify that the trigger expression is correct and the trigger is activating correctly.
  • Check the action’s configuration to ensure the remote command is correct and executing successfully.


Setting up a Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix is a vital step in ensuring high availability for your containerized applications. By following these steps, you’ll be able to automatically restart your Docker container in case of a failure, minimizing downtime and ensuring your users remain happy. Remember to test your setup thoroughly and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

With Zabbix and Docker, you can build a robust and scalable monitoring system that keeps your containers running smoothly. So go ahead, give it a try, and experience the power of automated container restarts!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix!

What is the Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix?

The Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix is a powerful feature that allows you to automatically restart a Docker container when a specific condition is met. This feature ensures high availability and minimizes downtime for your containerized applications.

How do I configure the Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix?

To configure the Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix, you need to create a new trigger with the “Docker container restart” action. Then, specify the container name or ID, and set the restart condition, such as “Container is down” or “Container is restarted X times in Y minutes”. Finally, configure the trigger severity and notification settings according to your needs.

What are the benefits of using the Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix?

The benefits of using the Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix include reduced downtime, improved application availability, and increased efficiency. This feature ensures that your containerized applications are always running and available to users, even in the event of unexpected failures or crashes.

Can I customize the Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix?

Yes, you can customize the Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix to suit your specific needs. You can specify custom restart conditions, set restart timeouts, and even integrate with other Zabbix features, such as notifications and script execution.

Is the Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix compatible with all Docker versions?

The Docker container restart trigger in Zabbix is compatible with Docker versions 1.12 and later. However, it’s always recommended to check the Zabbix documentation and release notes for the latest compatibility information and any specific requirements.

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