Copy Object in Same Array in Jolt with Key Name Change: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Copy Object in Same Array in Jolt with Key Name Change: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually copying and renaming objects in your Jolt array? Do you wish there was a simpler way to achieve this task? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to copy an object in the same array in Jolt with a key name change. You’ll learn the necessary steps, syntax, and best practices to get the job done efficiently.

Understanding the Problem

Imagine you have an array of objects in Jolt, and you need to create a copy of one of the objects with a different key name. This can be a tedious task, especially if you’re dealing with a large array or complex objects. However, with the right approach, you can simplify this process and achieve your goal with ease.

The Challenge

Suppose you have the following Jolt array:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "John",
    "age": 25
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Jane",
    "age": 30

And you want to create a copy of the first object with a new key name, say “clone”, while keeping the original object intact. Your desired output would be:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "John",
    "age": 25
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Jane",
    "age": 30
    "clone_id": 1,
    "clone_name": "John",
    "clone_age": 25

The Solution

To achieve this, you’ll use Jolt’s built-in functions and transformation rules. Specifically, you’ll employ the “copy” function to duplicate the object and the “modify-function” to rename the keys.

Step 1: Define the Transformation Rule

Create a new Jolt transformation rule with the following syntax:

    "operation": "copy",
    "spec": {
      "clone_*": "=input[0].*"

This rule tells Jolt to create a copy of the first object in the array (identified by the index [0]) and prefix the key names with “clone_”. The “=input[0).*” syntax specifies that you want to copy all key-value pairs from the original object.

Step 2: Apply the Transformation Rule

Now, apply the transformation rule to your original array using the “transform” function:

Jolt.transform(input, spec);

Replace “input” with your original array and “spec” with the transformation rule defined above.

Examples and Variations

Let’s explore a few examples and variations to demonstrate the flexibility of this approach.

Example 1: Copying Multiple Objects

Suppose you want to copy multiple objects in the array with different key name prefixes. You can modify the transformation rule as follows:

    "operation": "copy",
    "spec": {
      "clone_*": "=input[0].*",
      "duplicate_*": "=input[1].*"

This rule creates copies of the first two objects in the array with key name prefixes “clone_” and “duplicate_”,” respectively.

Example 2: Renaming Specific Keys

What if you only want to rename specific keys in the copied object? You can use the “modify-function” to achieve this:

    "operation": "copy",
    "spec": {
      "clone_id": "=input[0].id",
      "clone_name": "=input[0].name",
      "clone_age": "=input[0].age"

This rule creates a copy of the first object, renaming only the “id”, “name”, and “age” keys with the “clone_” prefix.

Example 3: Copying Objects with Nested Structures

What about copying objects with nested structures? Jolt can handle that too:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "John",
    "address": {
      "street": "123 Main St",
      "city": "Anytown",
      "state": "CA"

To copy this object with a key name change, you can use the following transformation rule:

    "operation": "copy",
    "spec": {
      "clone_id": "=input[0].id",
      "clone_name": "=input[0].name",
      "clone_address": {
        "street": "=input[0].address.street",
        "city": "=input[0]",
        "state": "=input[0].address.state"

This rule creates a copy of the object, renaming the top-level keys and preserving the nested structure.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

When working with Jolt transformations, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use meaningful and descriptive key names to avoid confusion.
  • Test your transformation rules with sample data to ensure the desired output.
  • Use Jolt’s built-in functions and operators to simplify your transformations.
  • Keep your transformation rules organized and modular for easier maintenance.

If you encounter issues or errors during the transformation process, check the following:

  • Verify that your transformation rule is correctly formatted and syntax-checked.
  • Ensure that your input data matches the expected structure and format.
  • Check for typos or incorrect key names in your transformation rule.
  • Consult Jolt’s documentation and community forums for troubleshooting guidance.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to copy an object in the same array in Jolt with a key name change. By following the steps and examples provided, you’ll be able to simplify your Jolt transformations and achieve your desired output with ease. Remember to keep your transformation rules organized, test thoroughly, and troubleshoot efficiently to ensure success.

Keyword Definition
Copy object in same array in Jolt with key name change A Jolt transformation process that duplicates an object in the same array and renames its keys
Jolt transformation rule A set of instructions that defines how to transform input data in Jolt
Operation A specific task or function within a Jolt transformation rule, such as copying or modifying data
Spec Short for “specification,” referring to the detailed definition of a Jolt transformation rule

By mastering the art of copying objects in the same array with key name changes, you’ll unlock the full potential of Jolt transformations and take your data processing skills to the next level.

Happy Jolting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of copying objects in the same array in Jolt with a key name change!

Q1: What is the main challenge in copying an object in the same array in Jolt with a key name change?

The main challenge is to avoid overwriting the original object and to update the key name correctly while copying the object.

Q2: How can I copy an object in the same array in Jolt using the `transform` function?

You can use the `transform` function to copy the object and rename the key using the `map` function. For example: `transform({
“operation”: “copy”,
“spec”: {
“new_key”: “=new_object”

Q3: Can I use the `default` function to copy an object in the same array in Jolt with a key name change?

Yes, you can use the `default` function to copy the object and rename the key. For example: `default({
“new_key”: “=old_key”

Q4: How can I handle nested objects when copying an object in the same array in Jolt with a key name change?

You can use the `transform` function with recursion to handle nested objects. For example: `transform({
“operation”: “copy”,
“spec”: {
“new_key”: {
“another_new_key”: “=old_key.nested_key”

Q5: What is the most efficient way to copy an object in the same array in Jolt with a key name change for large datasets?

The most efficient way is to use the `transform` function with parallel processing to take advantage of multi-core processors. For example: `transform({
“operation”: “copy”,
“spec”: {
“new_key”: “=old_key”
” parallel”: true

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