The Great Scroll Conundrum: Why Page Scroll Down if User Selects the Date on Inline PrimeNG Calendar?
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The Great Scroll Conundrum: Why Page Scroll Down if User Selects the Date on Inline PrimeNG Calendar?

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As a developer, have you ever encountered a situation where the page scrolls down unexpectedly when a user selects a date on an inline PrimeNG calendar? It’s frustrating, to say the least. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide a comprehensive guide to resolve this issue.

Understanding the PrimeNG Calendar

PrimeNG is a popular UI component library for Angular applications. Its calendar component is a powerful tool for managing dates and scheduling events. However, when used in inline mode, it can sometimes exhibit unusual behavior, such as scrolling the page down when a date is selected.

Why Does the Page Scroll Down?

There are several reasons why the page might scroll down when a user selects a date on an inline PrimeNG calendar:

  • Focus Trap**: By default, PrimeNG calendar traps the focus within its component, which can cause the page to scroll down to bring the selected date into view.
  • Accessibility Features**: PrimeNG calendar includes built-in accessibility features, such as keyboard navigation, which can also trigger page scrolling.
  • Layout and Positioning**: The calendar’s inline mode can sometimes conflict with the surrounding layout and positioning, leading to unintended scrolling.

Resolving the Issue: A Step-by-Step Guide

To resolve the page scrolling issue, follow these steps:

  1. Use the `scrollTo` Option**: PrimeNG provides a `scrollTo` option that allows you to customize the scrolling behavior. Set `scrollTo` to `false` to prevent the page from scrolling down:
    <p-calendar [scrollTo]="false"></p-calendar>
  2. Add a Container with `overflow: hidden`**: Wrap the calendar component in a container with `overflow: hidden` to prevent the page from scrolling down:
    <div style="overflow: hidden;">
  3. Use a Modal or Dialog**: Consider using a modal or dialog to display the calendar, which can help isolate the scrolling issue:
    <p-dialog header="Select a Date">
  4. Customize the Calendar’s Focus Behavior**: Use the `focusTrap` option to customize the calendar’s focus behavior and prevent it from trapping focus:
    <p-calendar [focusTrap]="false"></p-calendar>

Advanced Solutions: Taking it to the Next Level

If the previous steps don’t resolve the issue, it’s time to dive deeper into the world of JavaScript and CSS:

  • Use a Custom Directive**: Create a custom directive that listens for the `dateSelect` event and prevents the page from scrolling down:
      selector: '[appPreventScroll]'
    export class PreventScrollDirective {
      @HostListener('dateSelect', ['$event'])
      onDateSelect(event: any) {
  • Override the Calendar’s CSS**: Use CSS to override the calendar’s styles and prevent it from scrolling the page down:
    .p-calendar {
      overflow: hidden !important;

Real-World Examples and Use Cases

Let’s explore some real-world examples and use cases where resolving the page scrolling issue is crucial:

Example Use Case
Event Scheduling Create a seamless event scheduling experience where users can select dates without the page scrolling down.
Travel Booking Allow users to select travel dates without interrupting their booking flow.
Medical Appointments Provide a hassle-free appointment scheduling experience where users can select dates without the page scrolling down.


In conclusion, resolving the page scrolling issue when using an inline PrimeNG calendar is a matter of understanding the underlying causes and applying the right solutions. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create a seamless user experience where users can select dates without the page scrolling down.

Remember, a great user experience is all about attention to detail. By mastering the intricacies of PrimeNG calendar, you’ll be well on your way to creating applications that delight and engage your users.

Happy coding!

Here is the HTML code for the FAQ section about “why page scroll down if user select the date on inline primeng calendar”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about Primeng calendar behavior!

Why does the page scroll down when I select a date on the inline Primeng calendar?

This is because the inline calendar is positioned absolutely, and when you select a date, the calendar is automatically closed, causing the page to jump to the original position of the calendar. This behavior is due to the way Primeng’s calendar component is designed.

Is this behavior specific to the inline calendar or does it happen with other calendar modes as well?

This behavior is specific to the inline calendar mode. In other modes, such as popup or overlay, the calendar is positioned relatively, so the page doesn’t scroll down when a date is selected.

Can I prevent the page from scrolling down when selecting a date on the inline calendar?

Yes, you can prevent the page from scrolling down by adding some custom JavaScript code to your application. One way to do this is to use the `window.scrollTo(0, 0)` method to reset the scroll position after the date selection.

Does this behavior affect the user experience in any way?

While the page scrolling down might be slightly jarring for some users, it’s generally not a major issue. However, if you have a large page with a lot of content below the calendar, the sudden scroll might cause users to lose their place on the page.

Are there any plans to change this behavior in future Primeng releases?

While there are no immediate plans to change this behavior, the Primeng team is always looking for ways to improve the component library. If there’s enough demand for a change, they might consider updating the calendar component to prevent the page from scrolling down in the future.

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