Solving the Frustrating “SwiftUI Picker does not change the value” Issue
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Solving the Frustrating “SwiftUI Picker does not change the value” Issue

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Are you tired of pulling your hair out trying to figure out why your SwiftUI Picker refuses to update the selected value? You’re not alone! Many developers, including seasoned pros, have fallen victim to this pesky issue. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here.

The Problem: A Picker that Refuses to Cooperate

Imagine you’ve created a beautifully designed SwiftUI Picker, complete with elegant animations and a seamless user experience. But when you go to select a new value, nothing happens. The Picker simply ignores your attempts to change the selection, leaving you feeling frustrated and stuck.

This issue often arises when working with SwiftUI’s `@State` property wrapper, which is used to create a source of truth for your app’s state. But don’t worry, we’ll dive into the details and provide a step-by-step guide to solving this problem once and for all.

Understanding the `@State` Property Wrapper

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review how the `@State` property wrapper works in SwiftUI.

`@State` is a special property wrapper that allows you to create a source of truth for your app’s state. It’s used to store the current value of a property and provide a way to update that value when the user interacts with your app.

@State private var selectedIndex = 0

var body: some View {
    Picker("Select an option", selection: $selectedIndex) {
        ForEach(0..<5) { index in
            Text("Option \(index)")

In the example above, `selectedIndex` is marked with the `@State` property wrapper, indicating that it's a source of truth for the app's state. The `Picker` control is bound to `selectedIndex` using the `$` syntax, which allows the user to update the value of `selectedIndex` when they select a new option.

The Solution: Using a Binding to Update the Value

So, what's going on when the Picker refuses to update the selected value? The answer lies in how SwiftUI handles the binding between the `Picker` and the `@State` property.

When you use a `Picker` with a `@State` property, SwiftUI creates a binding between the two. However, this binding is only one-way. When the user selects a new option, the `Picker` updates the binding, but the `@State` property doesn't necessarily update in response.

To solve this problem, we need to create a two-way binding between the `Picker` and the `@State` property. We can do this by using the `$` syntax to create a binding, and then updating the `@State` property manually when the user selects a new option.

@State private var selectedIndex = 0

var body: some View {
    Picker("Select an option", selection: Binding(
        get: { selectedIndex },
        set: { selectedIndex = $0 }
    )) {
        ForEach(0..<5) { index in
            Text("Option \(index)")

In this example, we create a two-way binding using the `Binding` initializer. The `get` closure returns the current value of `selectedIndex`, while the `set` closure updates `selectedIndex` when the user selects a new option.

By using this two-way binding, we ensure that the `Picker` and the `@State` property are always in sync. When the user selects a new option, the `Picker` updates the binding, and the `set` closure updates the `@State` property in response.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the solution in place, you may still encounter issues with the `Picker` not updating the selected value. Here are some common gotchas to watch out for:

  • Make sure you're using the correct syntax for the binding. The `$` syntax is only used when creating a binding to a `@State` property. When creating a two-way binding, use the `Binding` initializer and define the `get` and `set` closures manually.
  • Verify that the `@State` property is being updated correctly. Use the debugger or print statements to ensure that the `set` closure is being called when the user selects a new option.
  • Check for any layout issues that may be preventing the `Picker` from updating. If the `Picker` is not visible or is being obscured by another view, it may not receive the user's input correctly.


The "SwiftUI Picker does not change the value" issue can be frustrating, but it's easily solvable with a little creativity and patience. By understanding how the `@State` property wrapper works and creating a two-way binding between the `Picker` and the `@State` property, you can ensure that your app's state is always up-to-date and responsive to user input.

Remember to keep an eye out for common gotchas and troubleshoot your code carefully. With practice and persistence, you'll be creating responsive and engaging SwiftUI apps in no time!

Common Issue Solution
The Picker doesn't update the selected value Use a two-way binding between the Picker and the @State property
The @State property isn't being updated correctly Verify that the set closure is being called when the user selects a new option
The Picker is not visible or is being obscured Check for layout issues and ensure the Picker is visible and interactive

If you're still having trouble, feel free to ask for help in the comments below. Happy coding!

  1. SwiftUI Documentation:
  2. SwiftUI Tutorials:
  3. Stack Overflow:

Here is the HTML code with 5 Questions and Answers about "SwiftUI Picker does not change the value":

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with SwiftUI Picker not changing values? You're not alone! Check out these frequently asked questions to get your picker up and running!

Why is my SwiftUI Picker not updating the selected value?

Make sure you're using the `@State` property wrapper to declare your selected value, and bind it to the `Picker` using the `$` syntax. For example: `@State private var selection = 0` and `Picker("Select an option", selection: $selection) { ... }`.

I've tried using `@State`, but my Picker still doesn't update?

Double-check that you're not accidentally creating a new instance of your view model or data model every time the Picker is rendered. This can cause the Picker to lose its binding to the selected value. Try using `@ObservedObject` or `@EnvironmentObject` instead to share the data model between views.

My Picker is inside a Form or List, and it's not updating the selected value?

When using a Picker inside a Form or List, you need to use the `@State` property wrapper on the selected value and bind it to the Picker using the `$` syntax. Additionally, make sure to use the `@Binding` property wrapper to pass the selected value as a binding to the child views.

I'm using a custom data model, and my Picker isn't updating the selected value?

Make sure your custom data model conforms to the `Identifiable` protocol, and that you're using the `@State` property wrapper to declare the selected value. Also, ensure that your data model has a unique `id` property that can be used to identify each option in the Picker.

I've tried everything, and my Picker still doesn't update the selected value?

Time to debug! Use the Xcode debugger or print statements to verify that the selected value is being updated correctly. Check for any unexpectedBehavior() or side effects that might be causing the issue. You can also try simplifying your code or breaking it down into smaller parts to isolate the problem.

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